Today is the last Wardrobe Wednesday challenge! For today’s quick 10-15 minuet challenge I want you to think about and set up routines to help you maintain your newly organized space!
Click here if you missed week one where I shared how to organize your closet, click here for week two where I shared how to get rid of the things you no longer want, and click here for week three where I shared how to make a list of what your closet is missing.
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Follow The One In One Out Rule
To keep from having an overstuffed closet follow the one in one out rule! That means every time you add something new to your closet choose one piece to remove.

Have A Place To Store Unwanted Items
The one in one out rule is simple enough to understand, but for me it wasn’t simple to implement. I didn’t know where I was going to put the piece I no longer wanted. I solved that problem by placing an empty basket in my closet. Now it’s ready to hold all the clothing I no longer want. When the basket is full, or I have time I can sell, donate, or recycle what’s in there.

Extra Hangers
I like having just the right amount of hangers in my closet. Not too many so my closet becomes overcrowded and not too few because I like to keep a lot of clothing! I ended up with several empty hangers after cleaning out my closet with the tips from challenge one. I plan on using these hangers first, then once they’re all used up I plan to follow the one in one out rule.
Another option would be to stop and do another closet clean out when all your empty hangers are used up. That way you can free up several hangers at one time. Whatever works best for you!

Backwards Hangers
Another helpful trick is to place all your hangers backwards on the hanging bar. Once you wear an item hang it back in your closet the correct way. At the end of each season or year you’ll be able to quickly see all the clothing you never wore. Consider donating or selling those pieces and start again.

I hope you found this Wardrobe Wednesday challenge series helpful! The more you understand your habits, the easier it is to make decisions that are right for you!
A Few Questions To Ask Yourself While You’re Thinking About What Routines You May Need To Set In Place
Do you always throw your shoes in one corner of your house? Could you put a bench or a shoe rack there to keep that area organized and more enjoyable to use?
Are clean clothes always piling up in one corner of your room? Could you put a chair, stool, or even basket there to keep those items off the floor until you have time to put them away?