Just about nothing pairs better with a summer outfit than a health glow. I typically avoid the sun for fear of wrinkles, but I do miss the tans I used to get as a kid swimming all summer long in my parents pool. That is until I discovered just how natural a spray tan from Bodi Bronze is.
Outfit Details: Express Top (similar here, here, and here, last seen here), Zaful Shorts c/o (similar here, here, & here), J.Crew Purse (similar here, & here), Blue Suede Shoes NY Sandals (similar here, here, & here), Bodi Bronze Spray Tan c/o (use code “The Dark Plum” for $5 off!)
Read on to hear about my experience getting a spray tan. Plus, I answered all your questions about it.

How Do You Prep Your Skin For A Spray Tan?
The day of your appointment shower and exfoliate your skin as much as possible by using a washcloth. Avoid sugar, salt, or oily scrubs. After your shower do not apply lotion, makeup, perfume, or deodorant. Now your skin is ready for a spray tan!

How Long Does It Take?
A spray tan typically takes around 20 minuets. Plus, there’s no wait time for you to dry. After your spray tan you can get dressed and go about your day.

What Should I Wear To The Appointment?
Loose fitting dark clothing works best. For my appointment I chose to wear a black knee length wrap dress. It was easy to get on and off (just like a robe) plus none of the color transferred onto my dress, but if it had it wouldn’t have been as noticeable while wearing black. When it comes to shoes sandals are best. The reason being you don’t want your feet to sweat and ruin your spray tan.
What Should I Wear While Getting Sprayed?
When it comes to what to wear while getting a spray tan it’s really up to you and what you feel comfortable in. I chose to wear a black strapless bra & underwear, but a swimsuit, or even going nude is an option. Bodi Brozne allows females to be sprayed nude if they prefer no tan lines, but men are required to wear bottoms. Bodi Bronze also supplies disposable underwear if you prefer not to wear your own.

When Can I Shower?
After your spray tan they will let you know how long you have to wait (my wait time was 12 hours) until it’s safe to shower again. Any water that touches your skin including sweat before that time can ruin your tan, so it’s best to avoid clothing, shoes, or activities that might make you sweat.

How Do I Maintain It?
To keep your tan lasting as long as possible it’s important to use gentle scent free products on your skin whenever possible. I already had a scent free body lotion, but it you don’t Bodi Bronze has lotions available for purchase. Also, they recommend moisturizing twice a day to keep your tan in tip top shape.

How Long Does It Last?
A spray tan will typically last between 7-10 days. The photos of me here were taken 5 days after my appointment and it looks just as good as the day I got it. And incase your curious I chose to get a medium color spray tan, but they have several color options available to choose from.

How Does It Fade? Will I look Blotchy?
As I’m writing this I’ve had my spray tan for 10 days and I still have color! My color is gradually fading, but it still looks natural not blotchy at all! If you find yourself fading quicker in one location you can ask your spray technician to go over that location a second time. For example if you wear sneakers a lot your feet might fade faster than the rest of your body, or if you wash your hands a lot they might fade faster. Personally, I haven’t had any places fade faster than the rest. I’ve just gradually gotten lighter over time.

How Do I Make An Appointment?
Bodi Bronze has an easy to use website where you can book your appointment online here and get any questions you many have answered here. Plus, when you mention my name “The Dark Plum” you’ll get $5 off your spray tan!