Welcome back to our second Wardrobe Wednesday challenge! These weekly wardrobe challenges for the month of January are a great way to kick start the new year! Today we’re going to talk about what to do with the clothing and accessories you removed from you closet last week that you no longer want. If you happened to miss the first challenge click here to read all about it.
Outfit Details: Chicwish Wrap c/o, J.Jill Top, Gordmans Jeans (similar here)
For today’s quick 10-15 minuet “Wardrobe Wednesday” challenge I want to help you sort and remove the clothing and accessories you no longer want!

Step One Sort Your Unwanted Items Into 3 Piles
Sort your unwanted items into 3 (or whatever number works best for you!) piles. See below for more details.

Pile One: Items To Donate
While sorting the items you no longer want, make a pile of what you would like to donate. This could be items to give to your local thrift store, family members, or friends.
Pile Two: Items To Throw Away/Recycle
Next, make a pile of items to throw away or recycle. These are damaged items that have stains, rips, missing buttons, or broken zippers. You can either throw these items away, or better yet find a place to recycle them!
H&M will take clothing in any condition and any from any brand and recycle them. Plus, they’ll give you a coupon for 15% off your next purchase. Most local thrift stores will take damaged clothing and recycled them for you too. Just place them in a bag with a note attached that says recycle. That way they don’t need to bother going through each item. It’s always best to call and double check that they will accept and recycle damaged clothing before making a trip to drop them off.
Pile Three: Items To Sell
Lastly, make a pile of items you would like to sell. These are items that are in great condition and people are shopping for similar items online. There are lots of websites that make it super easy to sell you clothing and accessories online. Places like eBay, Poshmark, The Real Real, Curtsy, Thred Up, Facebook Marketplace, and your local consignment shop just to name a few. I chose to sell my items on eBay since that’s what I know best. I’ve been selling all kinds of random things on eBay for years and I prefer to keep all my listings in one place.
It’s free to list items on eBay and as soon as it sells you ship it out to the buyer. My system for deciding if something is worth selling on eBay is to first search for similar items in the eBay search bar. Next I’ll click on the advanced button next to the search bar and click on the sold listings button. eBay will then show you similar listings that have sold recently and for how much! That way you have an idea of how much money you’ll make if you list that item.

Step Two Make Plans To Drop Off/Sell Your Unwanted Items
Call your local H&M, thrift store, or your local recycling center to see if they will take your damaged clothing.
Text your friends and/or family to see if they would want any of your unwanted items then make a plan for them to come pick them up or for you to drop them off.
Put the items you plan to donate, recycle, give away in your car so the next time you’re out running errands you already have them loaded up in your car ready to drop off.
Schedule time during the week or on the weekend to list the items you want to sell. Place the items you listed online somewhere you will remember so when an item sells you’ll know right where to find it.

Tips On How To Decide When It’s Time To Get Rid Of Something
Getting rid of things can be difficult so here are a few tips that I’ve learned over the years that have helped me.
- Ask yourself how long it’s been since you’ve worn it. If it’s been a year or more it’s probably a sign that you no longer need it.
- If you’re keeping it for sentimental reasons and it’s the memory that you don’t want to forget take a picture of that item before donating it. I’ve done this before with clothing that I really love but the item was too worn out to wear anymore.
- Place the clothing/accessories you’re thinking about getting rid of in a box or basket for a while before getting rid of them. If you don’t reach for them in a month or two (or whatever time period works best for you) it’s time to donate them. Giving myself time to think about it helps me detach myself from those items that I’m having trouble parting with.
- If you could sell it for $10 or whatever the amount is when you do a little digging online ask yourself would you rather have the $10 or the item? If you would rather have the money then it’s time to get rid of it or sell it!
- Clothing that doesn’t fit anymore and you don’t think your size will change anytime soon can be removed. Donate or sell those items that no longer fit to make room for clothing that does!

I hope these tips have been helpful to you! If you need additional help, or if you have your own tip(s) to add please let me know in the comments below.

I hope you enjoyed this weeks challenge! Once you finished your 10-15 minuet Wardrobe Wednesday sort & remove challenge comment “done” on this Instagram post to be entered to win this weeks giveaway! Each week we’ll be giving away one prize randomly to someone who completed all 5 tasks this week. Plus, there’ll be a grand prize at the end of the month for the person who completes all 20 tasks!
Myself along with four local female entrepreneurs are going to help you kick off the new year in the most fun way! With quick 10-15 minuet daily Monday-Friday challenges to help you jump start 2021. From mental health Mondays, to Tidy Tuesdays, to Wardrobe Wednesday with yours truly, to Thrifty Home Thursdays, to Fitness Fridays. Find all of our daily challenges on Instagram here and feel free to jump in any time! You’ll not only start your year off on the right foot, but you’ll also be entered to win a weekly prize! To win just make sure you’re following all 5 of us on Instagram and complete the daily tasks.