Since moving into our home three years ago I’ve had yet to decorate my office/closet space. We’ve been putting off decorating our home until after we remove all the popcorn from the ceilings (a project we started last year), but I couldn’t wait any longer! Read on to hear my tips on organizing, decorating, and how much this makeover cost!

Step 1: Remove EVERYTHING
The first thing I did was take everything out of this room. I had piles of purses in the hallway, stacks of shoes in my bedroom, and piles of clothing on my bed. After everything was removed I cleaned, dusted, and vacuumed this space.

Step 2: Put Back What You’re Keeping
Next, I put everything back I was keeping. First, I placed all my skirts together on the hanging bar by color from lightest to darkest. Next, I arranged all my tops and dresses by color from lightest to darkest, except for my maxi dresses. Because of their extra long length, I grouped them together at the back of my closet just after my darkest colored clothing.
Since I knew I wanted to buy shelving for this space I didn’t get rid of anything just yet. I decided to wait and do that step last, but I did remove anything that didn’t belong in this room.

Step 3: Go Shopping For What You Need
Now that my space was clean & organized I could better understand what I needed. Before I left I made a list of everything I could possibly want and gave myself a budget of $200. Some of the things on my list were shelving, an office chair, a lamp, hangers, faux flowers/plants, art, baskets etc. I put a lot on my list, but thankfully Gordmans prices are so good I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed!
Now onto the before & afters!

Office Chair
There were a few things on my wish list I REALLY wanted like a new chair & bookshelves, but knew they would be expensive. I could hardly believe I found this beautiful linen chair at Gordmans for only $40! Unlike my last chair this one makes the space feel so cozy and I love that I can slide it completely under the desk and out of the way.

Desk Accessories
The pineapple lamp & faux peonies were both new purchases from Gordmans. The lamp was just too cute to pass up and I love having faux flowers on my desk that I can enjoy year around.
The linen bulletin board and letter C were both pieces I already owned (from our last house) and I’m so happy to finally have a place for them.

I leaned my other linen bulletin board on the opposite side of the desk for symmetry, plus more space for pictures & inspiration! The enjoy today canvas and C mug were in my office before, but now look much more put together.

Ladder Bookcases
Bookcases were another high priority on my list, and I’m so happy I found these ladder ones at Gordmans for $60 each. Not only do they fit perfectly on both sides of my desk, but they give me so much more storage space!

I also added a hat wall next to my mirror. Not only do they add to the decor, but now they’re easily accessible.

After buying a white lamp, white peonies, white ladder bookcases, and a linen chair I knew I needed to inject some color into this space. I decided to do that with art and found these two pieces at Gordmans in light pink and green. The first one says hello in gold, and the second one says new day fresh start.

As you can see my skirts are first, next my tops & dresses are organized together by color from lightest to darkest. I also folded my jeans instead of hanging them giving me lots more space on the hanging bar.

I also had plenty of room for a few tote bags & backpacks in my closet that were too large for my new ladder bookcases.

I moved the small bookcase I already had behind the door and arranged some pictures above it. Love how the pictures add a little more color & personality to this side of the room.

Thanks to the inexpensive prices at Gordmans my total cost for this room update came in a just $203!
Price Breakdown:
Desk Chair $40
Lamp $13
Faux Peonies/Cement Pot $5
Two ladder bookshelves $60 each
Hello Art $8
New Day Fresh Start Art $7
25 Hangers $10
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